Gen Ed Reformers Anonymous Support Group

The Gen Ed Reformers Anonymous Support Group offers AGLS members the opportunity to gather in a safe and supportive ‘cone-of-silence’ environment with like-minded colleagues from all over to discuss and tackle all things gen ed. In the past, we have explored broad issues of transfer, assessment, messaging, etc… and we will again dig into topics decided by the group as we go along. Hope you will join us for any/all of the meetings!

2024 events  (times listed will be eastern)

April 30  2 PM
Turf Wars: Gen Ed Strikes Back

In this edition of the Gen Ed Anonymous Support Group, we gather to talk about inevitable questions that arise in gen ed… who’s qualified to teach that? What field ‘owns’ particular components? How do you honor expertise while breaking down disciplinary siloes and honoring a learning outcomes-based program? We’ll get into the what, who, and how of navigating this common gen ed challenge.

Sign up HERE for next meeting!

Watch here for links to sign up and topics of future conversations for each date!


AGLS Live Chat

Live Chats are informal discussions, simulations, or crowd-sourcing opportunities on topics of interest to those who do gen ed work.

2024 events  (times listed will be eastern)

May 15     2PM
Caring for the Gen Ed Workhorse:  How does Your Campus Support Adjunct Faculty?

The twenty plus year debate regarding the increasing use of non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) in higher education continues to swirl. Faculty in full-time non-tenure-track roles are vital to the campus’s research, teaching, and service missions. However, more often when objections are raised about NTTF, the criticisms are aimed at part-time/adjunct faculty.  Ironically, institutions rely on those that the position’s primary responsibilities include teaching 100 and 200-level courses including general education courses within a department or school. While criticisms abound, on many campuses adjunct faculty find little or no support for the classroom, professional development opportunities, and are excluded from department or school conversations about goals, initiatives, or student learning objectives. Administrators, deans, department chairs and faculty can benefit from the inclusion of adjunct faculty in achieving higher retention and graduation rate, and overall student success.  How does your campus support, incorporate, and welcome adjunct faculty into the academic community? Let’s chat about it.

Sign up HERE for next Chat!

Watch here for links to sign up and topics of conversation for each date!