AGLS Council as of January 2024

Presidents of AGLS  1962-2025

AGLS Bylaws, revised November 2023


AGLS MISSION:  The Association for General and Liberal Studies is a community of practitioner-scholars that provides strategic, effective and innovative support for peers engaged in the day-to-day work of general and liberal learning in 21st century higher education.

AGLS VISION:  The Association for General and Liberal Studies aspires to be the leading organization that enhances the day-to-day work of those engaged in general education.


  • Collaboration:  AGLS is a venue for partnerships with other organizations, associations, institutions, and the broader society at national and international levels allowing for a shared responsibility, leadership, and expertise.
  • Inclusivity:  AGLS is a venue for everyone who supports general and liberal education–representing many kinds of higher education institutions, allowing for equity among students, faculty, and community partners.
  • Innovation:  AGLS is a venue for the ever-changing role of general and liberal education–providing unique resources and technology with nimble approaches to ongoing challenges in general education, developing skills, knowledge and competencies for a changing, globalized world.
  • Contribution:  AGLS is a venue for members and attendees to join/participate in conversations around organizational work, including representation at the local, regional and national levels for a reciprocity of the expertise.

AGLS GOALS:  Through the AGLS annual meeting, AGLS awards programs, and occasional publications and projects in collaboration with other associations, we aim to:

  • To provide support to our members/peers
  • To assure financial stability for the organization
  • To increase visibility/promote the organization


Approved by AGLs Council on September 22, 2018